Tested: 1.24.x Skin for Scania Streamline Tuning mod not included
Truck: DAF XF Euro 6 Trailer: Wielton Company: Wielton+Benek White Benek and Red Benek -1.24x Tested
Scania RJL Sexy Girl Skin Getestet auf 1.24
Skin Gold Wings for track mod Volvo VNL670 Tested in game version 1.24 Author : Bayun4ik PLEASE DONT RE-UPLOAD WITHOUT THE AUTHOR’S LINK!
Green Black Interior for Scania Streamline Truck Tested on 1.23 and 1.24 work super
Scania RJL Red Beast Skin Tested on 1.24.x Author: Catalin
4 more skins 4 the ohaha volvo works with the latest version of ets 2
Volvo vnl 670 love & friendship skin Version 1.24
Euro Truck Simulator 2, Skins
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