Register in gallery truck orders and agencies.
Sold in the cabin - Peterbilt.
Organization tandem transportation in America.
There tuning:
Lights, lights, lights, horns, kengooryatniki, upper and lower grills, bumpers, vertical exhaust pipes and more.
The package is added to adjust the mode of the inner chamber of the author: Bennekeben.
Added five-speed transmission from Stewen.
Changed one engine 1500 hp.
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SCS and Blender (with 50keda's Blender plugin). Many thanks jgut InVTaR and for the assistance provided. Author "Apache" skins theme: John.W, change: groningen263 Full change registration in the company and fix mods BDF Tandem Pack and the Volvo FH16 2012 for ATS 1.4.x: groningen263 Manifesto: groningen263