This is my version of the New Holland T9.700 Dual Wheel for FS 15
Price - 368,000.
DailyUpkeep - 520.
power - 692
All default features for tractor ingame.
All 8 wheels have tire tracks.
All 8 wheels have partical system
All 8 wheels have collision.
New sounds.
Tinted windows.
Indoor sound.
Automatic reverse lights.
Change Log V1.1.2:
Corrected rotSpeed in xml file.
Corrected radius in xml file.
Change Log V1.1.1:
Added Tinted windows.
Added indoor sound.
Added automatic reverse lights.
Adjusted tire collision.
Change Log V1.1:
Redesigned back of tractor (newHollandT9700Back_vis).
Added tinted windows (
I tried to keep everthing as stock as I could to the New Holland T9.560 textures/model.
The log is clean ENJOY!!
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