No mater how great crew voices mod you install, you will get bored of them after several battles. Not mentioning original ones ;)
I've prepared a voicepack which replaces crew voices with short&simple sounds. After installing this, your tank crew will stop talking at all. You will get short sound notifications instead. All non-important sounds were removed, leaving only ones worth attention of experienced player.
Installing this mod will also save a bit of RAM during the game.
NOTE: If you're a beginner I recommend to stay with original sounds to understand the game better.
Video preview:
0. If you want to use Sixth Sense sound, install adequate mod first. There are plenty to choose from, one is here:
1. Download (182KB).
2. Go to res\audio directory (not res_mods!).
3. Backup original ingame_voice.fev file (you will need it to revert original sounds).
4. Unzip into res\audio overwriting original files.
5. Make sure "national" voice messages are disabled.
6. You may want to increase volume for "voice messages" to 100% in game settings.
WoT forum link:
Happy using!
Download links